

在海地寻找艾滋病毒检测吗? 查找艾滋病毒中心

AHF 于 2006 年在海地开始活跃。 在十二月 2014, 心力衰竭 and Health Through Walls 创建信息图d KLINIK SOLIDARITE in the West Department, more precisely in Port-au-Prince, Bois Verna. In 2017, KLINIK SOLIDARITE extended other departments (North, South and Artibonite) in the country - 流动诊所. 

AHF 现在有效 in 部门, offering three mobile clinics and 一种 设施 在太子港. AHF 合伙人ed - the government via the National Program Against HIV (PNLS) and the Health Department of Artibonite (DSA) to support 10 主要 h医院 在该国 bring clients who are lost to follow up back to care, increase the retention of those facilities, and decrease the number of late presenters

AHF Haiti currently provides care to incarcerated populations in conjunction with another NGO, Health Through Walls. The incarcerated population is a very vulnerable population in Haiti, and AHF Haiti provides care to people after their release from prison so there is no interruption in treatment. Partners of incarcerated HIV-positive individuals are also able to receive HIV testing so they can know their status and be linked to care if necessary. AHF Haiti conducts mass testing drives focused on people visiting incarcerated Haitians in the national prison system


女孩法案 赋予女孩和年轻女性保持健康和成长的能力! 我们致力于预防艾滋病毒和性传播感染,帮助艾滋病毒呈阳性的年轻妇女和女孩继续接受治疗,减少意外怀孕,并支持她们继续上学。

要了解有关《女孩法案》或艾滋病毒检测的更多信息,请通过以下方式与我们联系: [电子邮件保护].



有任何诚信问题吗? 让我们知道

  27A Rue Louissaint, Bourbon, Port au Prince, Haiti

 +011 509 2811 2333 
 +011 509 3807 4932


Instagram: @ahfhaiti 
Facebook账号: @ahfhaiti  

护理中的客户: 28,317        (as of November 2024)

Data for HIV/AIDS in 海地